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Understanding the New Hours Of Service (HOS) Proposed Rule

Understanding the New Hours Of Service (HOS) Proposed Rule

Trucking and logistics, like many industries in the U.S., is constantly changing to meet new business needs and new government regulations. Often in t...

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Driver recruiting Compliance
Case Study | How PTL Became 20% More Efficient at Managing and Communicating with New Driver Applicants

Case Study | How PTL Became 20% More Efficient at Managing and Communicating with New Driver Applicants

As a premier expedite carrier headquartered in Toledo, OH, Premium Transportation Logistics (PTL) has been serving customers in the Midwest, Mississip...

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Driver recruiting Driver staffing
5 Things You Didn't Know about the CDL Driver Shortage

5 Things You Didn't Know about the CDL Driver Shortage

By now, anyone working even remotely close to the trucking or commercial logistics industry is aware of the ongoing driver shortage. According to rece...

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Driver recruiting Driver shortage
Upcoming Webinar:

Upcoming Webinar: "Driver Retention 101 with WorkHound: Why You're Drivers Aren't Sticking Around"

While many recruiting teams realize that increasing applicant numbers, recruiting, and retention is paramount in today’s CDL marketplace, making this ...

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Driver recruiting

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When Was the Last Time You Applied to Your Own CDL Driver Job Posting?

When Was the Last Time You Applied to Your Own CDL Driver Job Posting?

It’s okay if you had to re-read this headline a few times. After all, why would you need to apply to your own job postings? Hear us out for a moment –...

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Driver recruiting Driver shortage
Webinar Q&A: STREAMLINE & CUSTOMIZE: Creating a Winning Driver Orientation Strategy with Drive First

Webinar Q&A: STREAMLINE & CUSTOMIZE: Creating a Winning Driver Orientation Strategy with Drive First

Did you have a chance to attend webinar, “STREAMLINE & CUSTOMIZE: Creating a Winning Driver Orientation Strategy with Drive First”? We received mo...

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Driver recruiting Webinar
5 Ways CDL Recruiters Can Improve Driver Relationships

5 Ways CDL Recruiters Can Improve Driver Relationships

For CDL driver recruiters, there has always been two clear paths in the sand: one leading to human interactions between recruiters and drivers and the...

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Driver recruiting
So You Want to Improve Your Speed-to-Hire? Start Here First.

So You Want to Improve Your Speed-to-Hire? Start Here First.

As a CDL driver recruiter, you know firsthand the challenges of finding qualified candidates to fill open positions. The ongoing driver shortage means...

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Driver recruiting Driver shortage Truck driver recruiting Driver relationship Driver recruiting strategy Speed to hire
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